Mission Statement
The Baitul Aman is a community mosque located in Bethnal Green, London. By the will of Allah the mosque has made major progress in the last few years, many have donated and given their time to get the mosque to the stage it is at now.
The mosque has gone from a piece of land, to porter cabin mosque, to tents in Ramadan for Tharawih to now, a purpose-built mosque with facilities for both brothers and sisters.
Inshallah with your help we can continue to finish the build of our mosque and complete some of the remaining work.
A new home for your mosque
“I feel honoured to be part of this great project right from day one. Alhamdulillah, Allah has made the dreams of our elders become a reality in our hands. I am grateful to ALL the brothers and sisters for their constant dua’ and support. This masjid is open to all, everyone is welcomed here.”
Shah Humayun Kabir, General Secretary
Our Committee
Number of jamats we will hold
this year for Eid prayers.
Over 1,300 member of the community
attend the Ramadan taraweeh prayers.
Over 1,500 members of the community
attend our weekly Jumma prayer service.